Sunday 28 February 2016

What is Data Type In C

In the C Programming Language, Data Types refers to an extensive system for declaring variable of different types.
A data types tells the following things about the related variable:

  • What is the size of the variable?
  • How much its occupies space in storage?
  • How the  variable bit mapped for its operation?
  • All data types used in C programming, generally defined in standard library header files. In header files, all the characteristic such as size, space etc. of data-types has been defined.

If you want, you can create your own custom data types in C.

  • There are mostly following Data Types in C as:
  • char Data Type
  • int Data Type
  • long Data Type
  • double Data Type
  • float Data Type
  • Long Double Data Type
  • function Data Type
  • pointer Data Type
  • array Data Type
  • enum Data Type
  • struct Data Type
  • typedef Data Type

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